Faculty and Staff Directory

Christopher Thomas
Title: Department Chair, Behavioral Sciences, Human & Public Services
Departments: Psychology & Human Services
John Thompson
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Business
Departments: Business Technologies
Lawrence Thorne
Title: Lab Manager, Engineering Technologies
Departments: Engineering Technologies
April Tillotson
Title: Instructor, Respiratory
Departments: Allied Health
Tyris Timmons
Title: SiMT Assistant Facilities Director
Departments: SiMT
Arthur Towns
Title: P/T Institutional Researcher
Departments: ACE Grant
George Townsend
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Engineering
Departments: Engineering Technologies
Kimberly Townsend
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Engineering Technologies
Departments: Engineering Technologies
Wendy Townsend
Title: Student Disbursement Analyst
Departments: Business Office
Alan Trusky
Title: Department Chair, English
Departments: English
Gary Turner
Title: Adjunct Instructor, CWD
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
Ashley Tyner
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Surgical Technology
Departments: Allied Health

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