Grants & Scholarships
FDTC offers a variety of Scholarships based upon the students data (area of study, grade point average, etc.). You may also apply for other scholarships in the community such as from churches, civic organizations and your place of employment.
Federal Programs
The U.S. Government offers financial assistance programs. All federal programs require the completion and submission of the FAFSA.
Federal Pell Grant
Pell Grant Facts: Requirements: - Gift aid (does not have to be repaid.)
- Ranges from a minimum of $380 per semester ($760 per year) to $3698 per semester ($7395 per year.)
- Awarded fall and spring semesters.
- Supplements other aid.
- Award letters are mailed with the Full-Time award.
- A full grant is awarded as follows:
Credit Hours
12 $3698/$3697
9-11 $2773
6-8 $1849
1-5 $925/924
If you are not receiving a full Pell grant, you can calculate your amount by taking 75% of your total Pell for 9 - 11 credit hours, 50% of your total Pell for 6 - 8 credit hours, or 25% of your total Pell semester award for 1 - 5 credit hours.
A student must... - Demonstrate financial need
- Be a US citizen or eligible non-citizen
- Hold a High School Diploma or GED Certificate
- Be enrolled for 1 credit minimum in an eligible program
- NOT have a Bachelors degree
- Make Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Information Facts: Requirements: - Gift aid (does not have to be repaid)
- Gives priority to Federal Pell Grant recipients.
A student must... - Be eligible for a Pell Grant
- Demonstrate financial need
- Be a US Citizen or eligible non-citizen
- Hold a High School Diploma or GED Certificate
- Be enrolled at least 6 credit hours in an eligible program. (If not enrolled at least 6 credit hours, award will be cancelled. Award for the following semester will also be cancelled unless one contacts the Financial Aid Center.)
- NOT have a Bachelors degree
- Make Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
State Programs
The State of South Carolina offers in-state residents several types of financial aid that are need-based, non-need based, and merit-based.
LIFE Enhancement
LIFE Enhancement Information Facts: Requirements: - The General Assembly established the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement in order to increase the number of students in the State majoring in mathematics and science and to increase the access to higher education, improve the employability of South Carolina's students so as to attract business to the State, provide incentives for students to be better prepared for college, and to encourage students to graduate from college on time.
- Students majoring in an eligible math or science program may receive up to an additional $2,500 towards their cost of attendance (in addition to the $5,000 based LIFE Scholarship award) starting with their second year/sophomore year of college enrollment at an eligible public or independent four-year institution in South Carolina (based on initial date of college enrollment).
- Meet all of the eligibility requirements at the end of each academic year to receive a LIFE Scholarship and be a recipient of LIFE Scholarship at the time of LIFE Scholarship Enhancement disbursement.
- Be enrolled as a full-time, degree seeking student in a declared major of science or math in an eligible program that is approved by the Commission on Higher Education at the time of disbursement of LIFE Enhancement funds.
Be enrolled at an eligible public or independent four-year institution located in South Carolina.
Be in the second, third, or fourth year of full-time enrollment (based on initial date of college enrollment after high school graduation) at an eligible four-year institution.
- Earn a total of at least fourteen credit hours in math and life and physical science courses with a minimum of six hours in math and a minimum of six hours in life and physical science including one laboratory course by the end of the student's first year of enrollment in college.
- Information concerning eligible degree programs and courses to meet the minimum fourteen credit hour course level requirement can be found on the SC Commission on Higher Education's website at
LIFE Scholarship
LIFE Scholarship Information Facts: Requirements: - Scholarships from the State of South Carolina.
- Pays up to $2,500 per semester of tuition and fees.
- Awarded fall and spring semesters.
- NOT based on financial need.
- Required Remedial Courses are allowed for students receiving financial assistance. LIFE Scholarship does not cover Remedial Courses.
- Students enrolled in a Certificate or Diploma program can receive LIFE Scholarship for 2 semesters. Students enrolled in an Associates Degree can receive LIFE Scholarship for 4 semesters if they meet the credit hour and gpa requirements for continuing students.
- Additional information is available at: SC Commission on Higher Education.
- Cannot receive lottery tuition assistance if you receive LIFE.
- Students are allowed to defer two terms of LIFE eligibility due to required enrollment in developmental classes at FDTC. Students can waive their LIFE scholarship for two semesters of their first year of college enrollment due to developmental classes in both semesters OR for fall semester only. For further details, please meet with the FA Assistant Director.
Entering Freshman must...
- Be a South Carolina resident.
- Be a SC High School graduate.
- Have a cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on the Uniform Grading Policy (UGP) upon high school graduation.
- Submit Final High School Transcript to Admissions Office.
- Have NOT been convicted of any SECOND alcohol or drug related misdemeanor in any state for 12 months prior to the period of the award.
- Be enrolled in 12 credit hours of regular courses in an eligible program. ThisEXCLUDES remedial courses.
- COMPLETE 30 CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES LEVEL 101 OR HIGHER, EARN A 3.00 CUMULATIVE GPA, AND MEET ALL OTHER QUALIFICATIONS BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. (You may choose to enroll in 15 credit hours fall and spring semester or take 12 hours fall and spring semesters and enroll in 6 credit hours for the summer semester.)
- Sign the LIFE Scholarship Affidavit at FDTC Central.
Continuing or Transfer Student must...
- Maintain a minimum 3.0 cum GPA from all colleges attended.
- NOT have felony or drug or alcohol convictions in preceding 12 months/calendar year.
- COMPLETE 30 CREDIT HOURS OF COURES LEVEL 101 OR HIGHER, EARN A 3.00 CUMULATIVE GPA, AND MEET ALL OTHER QUALIFICATIONS BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. (You may choose to enroll in 15 credit hours fall and spring semester or take 12 hours fall and spring semesters and enroll in 6 credit hours for the summer semester.) This is adjusted to 15 hours if enrollment started in January.
- Remedial courses do not count towards the 30 required credit hours.
- Submit to the Registrar the final transcript from transfer College. Continuing students can go to the Registrar or Financial Aid Office to inquire about continued eligibilty.
- Must sign the LIFE Scholarship Affidavit at FDTC Central.
Palmetto Fellows Scholarship
The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program is a merit-based scholarship program administered by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. The scholarship must be applied directly toward the cost of attendance, less any other gift aid received.
- First year: $6,700
- Year 2: $7,500
Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipients must complete and submit the Palmetto Fellows Certification Form.
Palmetto Fellows Continuing Eligibility Requirements
Once a student has been awarded a Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, they must do the following to maintain their Scholarship each academic year:
- Earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the student’s home institution by the end of each academic year (fall, spring and summer); and
- Earn at least 30 nonremedial credit hours for graduation purposes by the end of each academic year. Exempted credit hours (i.e., AP, IB, CLEP), credit hours earned before high school graduation (i.e., dual enrollment courses) and credit hours earned the summer term immediately following high school graduation cannot be used to meet the annual credit hours requirement.
- Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipients must also maintain SC residency, cannot be in default or owe a refund/repayment on any state or federal financial aid, student is also required to certify affidavit on conviction of felonies and submit any required documentation to the financial aid office.
- Palmetto Fellows recipients attending two year colleges in SC are not eligible for Palmetto Fellows Enhancement amounts. Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipients must complete and submit the Palmetto Fellows Certification Form each award year they intend to receive the scholarship.
- In determining the amount awarded for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, all other sources of gift aid, including federal, State, private and institutional funds, must be applied to the unmet cost-of-attendance before calculating the Scholarship amount.
- Students are highly encouraged to review all of the “eligibility requirements as well as the Frequently Asked Questions” about the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship.
SC Lottery Tuition Assistance Program
Provides partial tuition to students attending SC Technical Colleges. Federal and State need-based funds must be awarded prior to Lottery funds. Lottery is not need-based. Eligible students must be SC residents who are enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours) in an eligible academic program and meet academic progress requirements. Students receiving the SC LIFE Scholarship or the SC Palmetto Fellows Scholarship are not eligible for the SC Lottery Tuition Assistance Program funds.
SC National Guard College Assistance
The SC National Guard announced CAP application process for the Academic Year 2023-24. The CAP application window opened June 1, 2023 and closed August 1, 2023. The Guard will not accept CAP applications received outside of this window. CAP will be awarded on a first come/first serve basis. The CAP application for academic year 2023-24 has closed at for SC Air National Guard and SC Army National Guard Members. We will announce the new application period when it is released.
SC National Guard Assistance College Assistance Information Facts: Requirements: South Carolina Military Department offers the following programs: - SC Army National Guard College Assistance (SCARNG-CAP)
- SC Air National Guard College Assistance (SCANG-CAP)
- CAP Funds can be used towards any certificate/license, associate or bachelor program. There is no penalty for changing majors of study. Students can continue to use these funds for each level until they reach the $18,000 cap or receive a bachelor's degree.
- Be a qualified member of the SC National Guard or SC Air National Guard.
- Be in good standing throughout the entire academic year for which benefits are payable.
- Have valid tuition and fee expenses from an eligible institution.
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress identified by the school.
How To Apply - Student completes SCNG or SCAR application.
- National Guard/National Air Guard verifies eligibility and certifies application.
- List of approved members is sent to CHE for distribution to schools.
- Student notifies school of eligibility.
- School confirms approval and makes award.
- Continued eligibility is determined based on total number of hours, SAP, and membership standing with the National Guard/National Air Guard.
SC Need Based Grant
SC Need Based Grant Information Facts: Requirements: - Awarded for up to 3 semesters each academic year
- Semester award is based on enrollment:
12 credit hours or more = $1250
6 to 11 credit hours = $625
- More information at SC Commission on Higher Education.
A student must... - Demonstrate financial need.
- Be a SC resident.
- Hold a SC High School Diploma or GED Certificate.
- Be enrolled at least 6 credit hours in an eligible program. (If not enrolled at least 6 credit hours, award will be cancelled.)
- Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA.
- Complete all required hours.
- NOT have an Associates or Bachelors degree.
- NOT have a criminal record or drug-related conviction in the preceding 12 months/calendar year.
- Sign the SCNBG certification form on FDTC Central
- Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
SC WINS is a statewide technical college scholarship program designed to address workforce shortages in South Carolina.
Curriculum students who have graduated high school and are majoring in a critical workforce area as defined by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education, and Dual Enrolled high school students.
Eligible expenditures include tuition and associated fees for credit and non-credit training programs. SC WINS is awarded last after all other grant/scholarship aid. The maximum award amounts vary by semester depending on availability of funds.
Continuing Eligibility
Students can receive the SC WINS for only one certificate, diploma, or degree unless the additional certificate, diploma, or degree constitutes progress in the same field of study.
Returning students must have earned a 2.0 GPA prior to entering the academic year.
GED by 23
What is GED by 23?
Through a partnership with the SC Technical College System, individuals who complete a GED or high school diploma through a SC Adult Education office are eligible to receive funds to cover the tuition and fees costs to attend a SC technical college.
Eligible students must meet the following criteria:
- Complete a high school diploma or GED through one of the 52 South Carolina State supported Adult Education programs between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.
or - Complete two sections of the GED and are part of an integrated education and training career pathway at the Adult Education programs between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.
Eligible expenditures include tuition and associated fees for credit and non-credit training programs. There is no maximum award amount for eligible students. Award amounts should not exceed the total costs of tuition and fees.
Eligible programs must lead directly to employment and is a program that can be completed in one year or less.
- Complete a high school diploma or GED through one of the 52 South Carolina State supported Adult Education programs between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.
Other Programs
In addition to state and federal aid programs, there are other financial aid options available to FDTC students.
FDTC Educational Foundation Scholarships
Florence-Darlington Technical College's Educational Foundation offers eligible students a variety of needs-based scholarships with specific eligibility criteria. These scholarships help students to pay for tuition, books, and program supplies with the overall goal of removing barriers for student success.
WIOA Tuition Vouchers
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
Apply directly to your local WIOA agency. The Florence WIOA One Stop Shop is located in the Unemployment Office, 1558 W. Evans Street, Florence, SC 29501. They can also be reached at 843.669.4271.
Still have questions? Contact Us!

Office Location
FDTC Main Campus
Building 5000
3rd Floor, Room 5302